Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Trial of Idgie Treadgoode and Big George Peavey

page 79/ August 14,2010
Reading Response #11
Why in the world would someone wan to bring up a murder case that is nearly a decade old and involved a person that was liked by few people. Nearly all of the people that would need to be questioned or know anything about the night of his “murder” have died. In addition, no body had been recovered so they are not even sure if Frank Bennett was truly murdered; he could have left town and for all they know he could still be alive. Many people disliked this man for his actions and the way he treated women, everyone seemed somewhat happy that he was murdered or left town. This man had had done a lot of harm to many women and finally a women had stood up to him and that threatened him. I think if Idgie would not have gone to get Ruth that she would have ended up like all of the other women that he abused and kicked to the side. This case, in my opinion, was a waste of time because truthfully, no one really cared and after all the hurtful things he had done to many women, he deserved to have the same thing happen to him.

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