Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Final Thoughts On One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

August 19,2010
Final Response
The novel, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, written by Ken Kesey was an overall interesting and unique read. The themes, motifs and symbols that were presented in this book were different from anything I had read before. The novel was very well written and one of the best books I have read in a while. The novel starts slow but gradually you get to where you cannot stop reading because you want to know what will happen next. One idea that really stuck out to me was that we should not judge people just because they have a disability. Society, in both the novel and in real life, judges others before they get to know the person. This book shows how it affects the other person and how they slowly want to hide away from others. The men were judged just because they were from the hospital and they had on the uniform. As a child, Ken Kesey and his family were very religious and this is evident as you are reading the book. There are many times when there is an object or something someone does that could link back to some of the things that were explained in the Bible. The way Kesey wrote some of the scenes seemed as if he had actually lived through them, and considering he worked in a mental hospital, he could have actually experienced everything that he wrote about. Kesey did a great job explaining some of the disturbing things that went on behind closed doors (electrotherapy shocks) without all of the gruesome details but it was explained in a way that you still what was happening. As a reader, you could put yourself into these scenes because of the detail and great explanations. One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is definitely a book I would recommend for everyone to read.

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