Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reverend Scroggins

page 343/ August 22,2010
Quote #10
Quote:“After it was all over, Reverend Scroggins came over and shook Idgie’s hand. ‘I’ll see you in church Sunday, Sister Threadgoode.’ He winked at her and left. His son, Bobby, had heard about the trial and had called and told him about that time Idgie had gotten him out of jail. So Scroggins, the one she had bedeviled all these years, had come through for her. Idgie was floored by the whole thing for quiet a time. But, driving home, she did manage to say, ‘You know, I’ve been thinking. I don’t know what’s worse- going to jail or having to be nice to the preacher for the rest of my life.’”

For most of the book, Idgie and the rest of the Dill Pickle Club terrorized Reverend Scroggins. However, any other person in the community of Whistle Stop would help out in any way that they could, the Reverend did just that. The people in this community would put a side a silly joke, which has lasted many years, to help someone. The end of this quote is funny because the reader knows that Idgie appreciates what the Reverend did for her but its not in her nature to say that she is always making a joke about something and you would not expect anything different from her.

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