Saturday, August 14, 2010

That Catfish Was So Big, We Took A Picture And It Weighed 45 Pounds

page 393/ August 14,2010
Quote #3
Quote:“Bill pointed to her sign. ‘ Didn’t know you got catfish down this far.’ ‘Sure we do, saltwater cat, but I don’t have any today.’ She looked at the little blond girl to see if she was listening. ‘Last week I caught one, but it was so big we couldn’t pull it out of the water.’ Patsy said, ‘Really?’ The old women’s blue eyes sparkled. ‘Oh, yes indeed. As a matter of fact, that catfish was so big, we took a picture of it, and the picture alone weighed forty five pounds.’ The little girl cocked her head to one side, trying to figure it out. ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Sure I’m sure. But if you don’t believe me…’ She turned around and called up to the old man in the yard, ‘Hey, Julian! Go in the house and bring me that picture of the catfish we caught last week.’ He called back lazily, ‘Cain’ do it… it’s too heavy for me to carry. Might hurt my back…’ ‘See I told you.’ Bill laughed and Marion paid for the drinks. They were about to go when Patsy pulled at her mother’s dress.”

The old woman that was telling the joke about the heavy picture of the fish was Idgie Threadgoode as an older woman in 1988. Earlier in the book, Julian and Idgie told this joke to Stump when he was a young boy. The Threadgoode family likes to have a good time and joke around especially Idgie. This quote says a lot about her personality and the kind of character she is. Idgie was always getting into trouble and having a good times. In the novel, Idgie was one of the most likeable and relatable characters. Ms. Fannie Flagg never tells you who the older woman is but you can infer that it is Idgie without having to be told. Throughout this book, all of the chapters would refer back to something that you read earlier and you would have to put all of the puzzle pieces together.

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