Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Friendship Between Evelyn and Mrs.Threadgoode

page 61/ August 10,2010
Quote #1
Quote:“This morning as they drove out to the nursing home, she realized that her life had become unbearable. Every morning she would play games with herself, just to get her through the day. Like telling herself that today something wonderful was going to happen…that the next time the phone would ring, it would be good news that would change her life…or that she was going to get a surprise in the mail. But it was never anything but junk mail, a wrong number, a neighbor wanting something. The quiet hysteria and awful despair has started when she finally began to realize that nothing was ever going to change, that nobody would be coming for her to take her away. She began to feel as if she were at the bottom of a well, screaming, no one to hear. Lately, it had been an endless procession of long, black nights and gray mornings, when her sense of failure swept over her like a five-hundred-pound wave, and she was scared. But it wasn’t death that she feared. She had looked down into that black pit of death and had wanted to jump in, once too often. As a matter of fact, the thought began to appeal to her more and more.”

This quote shows how depressed and unhappy Evelyn was with her life at the start of the book. If it had not been for Mrs. Threadgoode Evelyn probably would still be in that slump. Mrs. Threadgoode has had a huge impact on Evelyn’s life and has become soft of a best friend that Evelyn has never had before. The stories that Mrs. Threadgoode shares has really helped to open Evelyn up and has helped pull Evelyn back to reality. Before Evelyn had thought about committing suicide but after becoming close to Mrs. Threadgoode she has not mentioned it since. Ever since Evelyn meet Mrs. Threadgoode her life had change for the better.

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