Saturday, August 14, 2010

Idgie Threadgoode

page 71/ August 14,2010
Quote #2
Quote:“Oh yes, honey. When she was in high school, she gave everybody fits. Most of the time she wouldn’t even go to school, and when she did, she would only wear that ratty old pair of overalls that had belonged to Buddy. But half of the time she would be off in the woods with Julian and his friends hinting and fishing. But you know, everybody liked her. Boys and girls, colored and white alike, everybody wanted to be around Idgie. She had that big Threadgoode smile, and when she wanted to, oh, she could make you laugh! Like I said, she had Buddy’s charm… But there was something about Idgie that was like a wild animal. She wouldn’t let anybody get too close to her. When she thought that somebody liked her too much, she’d just take off in the woods. She broke hearts right and left. Sipsey said she was like that because Momma had eaten wild game when she was pregnant with Idgie, and that’s what caused her to act like a heathen! But when Ruth came to live with us, you never saw a change in anybody so fast in all your life.”

This quote is when we finally got to see the personality of Idgie Threadgoode and really understand what makes her tick as a person. Her personality was similar to all of the other Threadgoode’s; they were well liked by the community and were respected as well. They seemed to be like “model citizens” of Whistle Stop, Alabama. Idgie was very close with her brother, Buddy Threadgoode, and she changed after his death; she guarded her heart because she seemed scared to let anyone completely in to see who she is. She seemed afraid to let people to get too close to her because she was afraid that they would leave her like Buddy left. However, meeting someone that instantly stole her heart changed Idgie. If Ruth would not have came to stay at the Threadgoode house that summer, I think that Idgie would have died a lonely soul. The character of Idgie is very relatable because everyone wants to guard there heart but sometimes you just have to give a little but of it away to see where life will take you. In life, you have to take chances and I think letting Ruth in Idgie became a better and stronger person.

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