Sunday, August 1, 2010

Living In Two Different Worlds

page 240/ August 1,2010
Quote #3
Quote:“In fact, he worked so hard at pointing out the funny side of things that I was wondering a little if maybe he was blind to the other side, if maybe he wasn’t able to see what it was that parched laughter deep inside your stomach. Maybe the guys weren’t able to see it either, just feel the pressures of the different beams and frequencies coming from all the directions, working to push and bend you one way or another, feel the Combine at work-but I was able to see it.”

This is an interesting quote from the book because it talks about the two different worlds that the patients are exposed to. The first is a free and careless world with laughter. They see this world when they leave the ward and go on the fishing trip. They were not told how to act and they could just be themselves. Though they were judged, they showed everyone whom they truly were and stood up to the people who thought badly of them. The second world is where they live on a daily basis with the Big Nurse telling them who to be and how to act. This world is very structured and rigid. From then on, the patients fight with the Big Nurse so they can live in the first world; this way they will have freedom. Bromden sees exactly what the Combine is trying to do to these men, though some may not see this.

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