Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Battle is Over

page 322/ August 1,2010
Quote #6
Quote:“There was a cold moon at the widow, poring light into the dorm like skim milk. I sat up in bed, and my shadow fell across the body, seeming to cleave it in half between the hips and the shoulders, leaving only a black space. The swelling had gone down enough in the eyes that they were open; they stared into the full light of the moon, open and undreaming, glazed from being open so long without blinking until they smudged fuses in a fuse box. I moved to pick up the pillow, and the eyes fastened on the movement and followed me as I stood up and crossed the few feet between the beds.”

The Big Nurse may have destroyed McMurphy mentally and physically but everyone knows that has truly has won the battle they have been fighting for so long now. Bromden is just helping him finish. The Nurse will no longer be able to keep McMurphy around to use as an example of what will happen if a patient defies her rules. That is what she wanted but she loses this battle and she will not be able to do that. From here on out any new patient that come to the ward will hear about what happened when McMurphy arrived to the what, they will not be afraid of her like the other patients first were. The nurse has lost all of her power she once had. Randle knew that he would have to sacrifice his life in order for the Nurse to give it a rest and realize that the hospital is not like it used to be and will never be like that again.

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