Sunday, August 1, 2010

Strength and Independence

page 306/ August 1,2010
Quote #5
Quote:“‘I, however, have a plan,’ Harding said. He got to his feet. He said McMurphy was obviously too far gone to handle the situation himself and someone else would have to take over. As he talked he stood straighter and became more sober. He spoke in an earnest and urgent voice, and his hands shaped what he said. I was glad he was there to take over.”

This quote is very valuable in the reader understanding that McMurphy is a main reason as to why the patients have become more independent and they have learned how to be themselves, not who someone tells them to be. McMurphy helped the patients become men; they are no longer the “rabbits” that he once described them as. Although after the EST shocks McMurphy is weakened mentally, the guys still look to him as a role model. McMurphy gave the men strength to believe in themselves and they have taken that strength to help McMurphy just as he helped them in the beginning.

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