Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Love and Friendship

page 92-98/ August 18,2010
Quote #4
Throughout these chapters you really get the sense of two of the predominant themes, love and friendship, that occurred. In this novel, the characters value their friendships no matter what decade they are living in. The characters would do anything they could for their friends or family and this chapter depicts this. You really start to see the friendship that is developing between Mrs. Threadgoode and Evelyn; she is generally interested in the stories that are being told and is not just sitting there because it is better than spending time with her mother-in-law. Also, Eva and Idgie’s friendship is played out as well. They became close and bonded after the most important person in both of their lives passed away (Buddy). For a couple of years they relied on each other to get through the tough times in their lives; they could relate because they both had people they love leave them. Idgie and her relationship with Ruth is on the rocks during this time but the love is still there even though they are in two different states. Love and friendship are two of the most important ingredients that have made this novel so great and memorable even after all of these years.

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