Thursday, August 19, 2010

Most Memorable Chapter

page 288-289/ August 19,2010
Quote #5
This chapter was, I think, is the most funny and memorable one from the entire novel. I re-read this part many times and each time it never got any less funny. This is when we finally see that spunk and personality come out of Evelyn Couch. At the beginning of the book was a very dull, boring and almost lifeless character. After Evelyn realized that she did not have to mold into the person that she thought every man wanted she became free and truly let everyone see the real person that had been hiding inside. This is when TOWANDA came out of Evelyn and she seemed like a very strong woman that would not let anyone tear her down. Evelyn at the beginning would allow people to walk all over her; she was self conscious, depressed and resentful of her husband. But after meeting Mrs. Threadgoode she broke out of this and finally showed who she truly is. Evelyn Couch seems to be a likable and intriguing character after she shows her true colors near the end of the book.

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