Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Divide and Conquer Does Not Always Work

page 57/ August 4,2010
Quote #10
Quote:“The flock gets sight of a spot of blood on some chicken and they all go to peckin’ at it, see, till they rip the chicken to shreds, blood and bones and feathers. But usually a couple of the flock gets spotted in the fracas, then it’s their turn. And a few more gets spots and gets pecked to death, and more and more. Oh, a peckin’ party can wipe out the whole flock in a matter of a few hours, buddy, I seen it. A mighty awesome sight. The only way to prevent it—with chickens—is to clip blinders on them. So’s they can’t see.”

McMurphy has compared the men and their actions during his first group meeting to a bunch of chickens pecking at each other. He is ashamed that the patients would gang up on each other, when in fact you would think that they would help each other out. They are all in the same position, where they have no choice in what happens to them during their stay at the hospital; other people make decisions for them and they have to go along with whatever they are told. The Big Nurse has used her army tactics to divide and conquer. She knows that she can say one thing and then the guys will start to fight each other, then she can just sit back and watch everything unravel. She has done this before to get secrets out of the patients. What she does is not fair to the patients and they are not smart enough to realize she does this on purpose.

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