Friday, August 6, 2010

Evelyn Couch

page 31-60/ August 6,2010
Reading Response #2
Evelyn Couch seems to have the most boring and unproductive life out of all the characters in the novel so far. She sits around all day waiting for something great to happen while she downs eight candy bars. As I read, I have begun to feel sorry for her. She is letting life pass her right by and is not even stopping to appreciate any of it. The relationship she has with her two children and her husband are utterly nonexistent. Evelyn feels unsatisfied with her life and seems to have nothing to live for anymore; she has contemplated suicide and knows exactly how she would kill herself. One of the predominant themes in the novel so far is to live life to the fullest and to enjoy everyday that you are given because it goes by fast. I think Mrs. Threadgoode is going to have a positive impact on her life and will help her turn it around so that she starts to appreciate all the good things in her life that she has.

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