Tuesday, August 3, 2010


page 318/ August 3,2010
Quote #7
Quote:“First Charles Cheswick and now Billy Bibbit! I hope you’re finally satisfied. Playin with human lives- gambling with human lives- as if you thought of yourself to be God!”

Throughout the novel, Ken Kesey repeatedly associates Randle with the image of Christ. When he lied down on the electrotherapy table, it was shaped as a cross. The table is similar in function to the public crucifixion that occurred after rebellion took place in earlier times. Another example of these images reoccurring, happens when Bromden references to another patient, Ellis, being nailed to the wall. The men view McMurphy as a role model or some kind of god and the Big Nurse can see this and is not pleased. She thinks that if she blames McMurphy for their deaths he will believe that he truly led them to dying. Randle McMurphy repeatedly being associated with the image of Christ is one of the symbols that occur numerous times throughout the novel.

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