Sunday, July 11, 2010

"You lose yourself in the fog"

page 137/July 11, 2010
Quote #1
Quote:“I’m further off than I’ve ever been. This is what it’s like to be dead. I guess this is what it’s like to be a Vegetable; you lose yourself in the fog. You don’t move. They feed your body till it finally stops eating; then they burn it. It’s not so bad. There’s no pain. I don’t feel much of anything other than a touch of chill I figure will pass in time.”

Chief Bromden had been in this state of fog for most of the day. He barely sees anything that had been going in the ward. He experiences this most of his days while in the hospital but they do not normally last this long. Chief Bromden is hallucinating about this fog but truthfully, it may as well be true with all the rules and regulations that are enforced in the ward. The patients are numb from the loud music, which prevents conversation, and the patients virtually are not allowed to think by themselves they are told what to think most of the time. They are corrected and punished if they refuse to change their minds. The fog they are in seems like it will never end to them. This quote represents the way the characters are feeling at the beginning of the novel before Randle McMurphy comes and helps to pull the patients out of this fog.

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