Saturday, July 24, 2010


pages 225-250/July 24, 2010
Reading Response #8
The day finally came when McMurphy and his crew were scheduled to leave to go on the fishing trip. However, the Big Nurse had found some trouble to give them. Even though they started off having some trouble at the beginning of their day; McMurphy and his crew were finally accompanied by the doctor. As they left the hospital, the outside people stared and talked about them because they could tell they were from the ward due to the green uniforms that they were wearing. The “outsiders”, as the Chief called them, would continually judge them the entire morning. As the group stopped to fill the car tanks up with gasoline they got mocked and were treated unfairly. The two attendants at the gas station raised the price for their gas and threatened to make them buy unnecessary items such as sunglasses. Everyone that morning recognized the men because they were still wearing their green uniforms from the hospital. The “outsiders” in this novel, were very judgmental of people that were different from themselves. In society today we also seem to be like the “outsiders”. We judge because of people’s appearance (clothing, race, etc.) and their actions. Seeing the way it affects the other person makes me realize that what all of us do needs to be reevaluated. People often can not help the way they dress and act because they do not know any different and they was the way that they were either born or raised. We judge others but we do not realize the consequences. The guys began to feel worse about themselves and they just wanted to return back to the world that they know which is being stuck in the mental hospital for the rest of their lives. They did not want to have to face the real world ever again.

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