Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dreams: Real or Fake

pages 65-97/ July 11, 2010
Reading Response #3
I wonder why Chief Bromden continually experiences “fog” like instances. Is this supposed to symbolize something and if so I wonder if it will be further explained later in the book. Chief Bromden explains this occurrence two or three times. Is he truly crazy or is something really going on behind the walls of this ward? The patients could be experiencing some type of abuse. However, these patients may have a distorted perception and are making “a mountain out of a molehill”. The Chief describes his dreams as if he had actually gone through these circumstances. I wonder, does Chief Bromden’s childhood involve an abusive household? In one of these dreams, he describes the ward transforming into a slaughterhouse. The character, “Vegetable Blastic” is hung upside down and skinned in Chief Bromden’s dream. These are very weird dreams to be having. I have begun to question if the Chief is truly crazy or if these dreams are foreshadowing what will come later.

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