Sunday, July 11, 2010

Randle McMurphy

page 98-130/ July 11, 2010
Reading Response #4
Randle McMurphy has one of the strongest personalities of all of the characters. He knows who he is and will not change to conform into what Nurse Ratched believes is the perfect patient. McMurphy is strong willed and tries to help the others stick up for themselves. When McMurphy and the other acute patients are in the old tub room they do not believe that Randle will or is able to pick up the cement control block. With his strong will and determination, McMurphy picks up the block and proves everyone wrong. McMurphy likes to prove people wrong when they do not think that they can do something. The others have placed bets against him in challenges and they have lost. When Randle first arrived to the ward he said that part of the reason, why he had transferred there was because he likes to win and he “needed new suckers” to win against. At the facility he was before he had won the bets, so many times that he had nearly taken all of the people’s money. I have begun to admire the courageousness and will power of Randle McMurphy. The other patients can look to him to help find their inner voice. I believe that he will influence the others and they will take action and stand up for what they want and believe in.

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