Friday, July 30, 2010

Should the Patients get in Trouble?

pages 291-310/July 30,2010
Reading Response #11
If these patients truly have mental problems then why are they getting in trouble when they were under the care of a person that works at the ward? Turkle is the one that had the marijuana and allowed the patients to have some of it. He also knew that there was alcohol and drank with the other patients. Turkle may have been tired and maybe a little delusional but I think that if the patients are really as disable as the nurse plays them out to be then why are they the ones that are always getting in trouble. Disabled people often do not know right from wrong and that is why they have people around them to tell them no. I know that what they are doing is wrong but they were not told no when they brought up the idea to Turkle. The nurse needs to be more careful with the people that she hires to work at the ward.

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