Saturday, July 3, 2010

Constant Routine

pages 33-64/ July 3, 2010
Reading Response #2
As I continue on in the book, Chief Bromden discusses the daily routine that all of the patients follow. Each day they do the same thing at the same time. There is barely ever any change. The only change that the patients in the ward experience is the change in faces of the outsider people that come to visit. The outsiders view these patients as if they are animals in a showcase at a zoo. This may be very degrading or upsetting to the patients in the ward. However, some of the patients are so disabled that they might not even realize this is happening. I would feel very disgusted if I were treated like this. The constant routine in the ward makes me feel sorry for the patients and it could possibly be a reason as to why many of the patients act out at times. I know that the patients are disabled but they should be able to experience new things within reasons. The patients have no say in anything that happens. They are not allowed to ask questions about subjects such as their medications without being yelled out by their superiors.

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